
Mer Commercials

Mermaids have been a part of the world's culture for centuries, and were once depicted in paintings, sketches and engravings. Today, mermaids are still a cultural symbol, but have been adapted in various ways. It's surprising to see how many mermaid commercials there are! See if you can find any familiar brands, and then check out its commercial!
Have fun!
-Sirenita The Selkie

Atlantis Resort Promo
Bugles and Starburst
Capital One
Chevrolet Spark
Chicken Of The Sea Tuna
Clorox Bleach
Coke Zero
Colgate Toothpaste
Cristal Beer
Doritos Chips
Doritos Chips 2
Doritos Chips 3
Doritos Chips 4
Eclipse Gum
Efes Beer
Envirude Boats
Fiesta Seafood
GSK Laboratories
Hershey's Chocolate
Hoseiry Commercial
Hungry Jacks Fast Food
Internet Service
Japanese Beauty Product
Japanese Clothing Commercial
Japanese Mascara Commercial
Japanese Shampoo Commercial
King Oscar Sardines
La Vie Mineral Water
Levi's Jeans France
Levi's Jeans
Lynx Dry Deodorant
Manzanita Sol Drink
The Little Mermaid McDonalds Commercial
The Little Mermaid TV Commercial
The Little Mermaid TV Commercial #2
Mcdonalds Commercial 2
Metro PCS
NesCafe Frappe
Orbit Gum
Paper Mill Playhouse
Pepsi H2OH
Pharmagrip Duo Medication
Pop Tarts
PSS Foreign Commercial
Pure Luxury Watches
Redds Beer
Skol Beer
Skol Beer 2
Sundown Suntan Lotion
Tata Shoes
Togo Gelato
Toronto Zoo
Twistie Hottie Seafood
Toyota BB Car

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