Description: This is part II of the "mock-umentary" Mermaids: The Body Found. To see my review of the first part, check it out

My Review: First, I would like to discuss what a "mock-umentary" is. This term refers to a documentary that has possible theories, but the actual storyline and people are fictional. In "Mermaids" the theories that were used, such as the aquatic ape theory and the bloop recording are theories that are still being explored, but the scientists were just characters who were part of a storyline. However, I still loved this film and I thought it was created with beautiful effects and left the viewer with a more open mind as to what is in the ocean. I still think Animal Planet should make this a DVD. Tonight, "Mermaids: The New Evidence" was presented a year after its first part was released. I was very excited to watch this. I must say though, I was very disappointed with the way this came out. I was expecting them to put a real scientist on the spot, and not the same actor so we can get some real possibilities and theories. All they kept showing was footage of the CGI merfolk. To be quite honest it started to get annoying. I don't recommend watching this second part, and actually give it only (**) 2 stars. However, please watch the original documentary. It was awesome!
-Sirenita The Selkie